How To Maintain Your Own Security System.

Progressive Security & Electrical are a locally owned team of electricians in Newcastle, serving the entire Hunter region to meet your electrical needs. With over a decade of experience in the industry, we bring expertise and reliability to every project. Our on-call electricians are ready 24/7 to assist you, ensuring prompt attention whenever you require it. We offer a complimentary 10-minute assessment of your home’s electrical setup, aiming to identify any potential issues. Before proceeding with any work, we provide a clear description of the tasks involved, the expected timeframe for completion and the projected cost.
We know that things don’t always go as planned. So, on the off chance that the original plan requires some change that then impacts the completion time frame or the cost then we will always notify you immediately and get approval before going any further. Making sure you have all of the information at the earliest possible opportunity to be able to make informed decisions for you, your home or business.
Progressive Security & Electrical are committed to providing the highest quality on all electrical work we undertake. Our team consists of fully insured, qualified and professional licensed electricians, each with a decade of industry experience. In a case of emergencies, we offer same-day repair services when possible, depending on availability.
Progressive Protect is a 24-hour back-to-base monitoring service provided by Progressive Security & Electrical. It offers round-the-clock security protection for homes and businesses, ensuring immediate response to alarms and potential threats. With Progressive Protect, you can have peace of mind knowing your property is monitored by a professional team dedicated to your safety.
Call us today for a non-obligation chat about our wide range of CCTV systems suited to your home.
One of our experts can come to you home, talk you through the range of systems, show you how they work and reccomend the best system based on your needs. We offer full support, 24 hour survalance options and a wide range of services tailored to your needs
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We service the Newcastle, Lake Macquarie and Hunter Valley Region residential, commercial and retail community with our renowned transparency, trust, quality and reliability.